Sunday 15 November 2009

Clash of the Patrols

This is a battle report for the Aftermath Campaign, taking place on the planet Prox.

Forces of Order

Inquisitor and three gun servitors
5 marine scouts
5 Inquisitorial stormtroopers
5 Inquisitorial stormtroopers
5 Inquisitorial stormtroopers
1 Whirlwind

Forces of Disorder

5 warbikers, including a nob with a power klaw and a bosspole
5 warbikers, including a nob with a power klaw and a bosspole
10 shoota boyz with 1 rokkit launcha

The battle took place on a semi open piece of terrain, with the right flank largely covered by reasonably dense ruins and the left flank open other than a single mine complex and some hastily errected barricades. Both sides were scouting for the main army, so no one could be left alive to tell of the other's presence, the last one standing wins!

The Imperials set up with the scouts on top of the mine complex, the inquisitor holding the centre behind the barricades, and the stormtroopers in the ruins on the right. The whirlwind hid behind the mine....

The orks were desployed with the bikers stretching from the far left flank to about the centre of the board, while the shoota boyz went in the ruins on the right.

Ork Turn 1

The bikers turbo-boosted forward, one mob sticking firmly to the left flank, heading to the side of the mines while the second heading more centrally towards the inquisitor. The shoota boyz stumbled and ran, just about making it into the next ruin.

Imperial Turn 1

With the bikes in range of their guns the Imperials opened fire, the scouts taking aim and downing a single biker. The Inquisitors' retnue opened up with a hail of heavy bolter shells but were unable to find their mark through the thick plumes of dust kicked up by the bikes rapid advance. The whirlwind fired and scattered, scoring a direct hit on the location that the shoota boyz had just left.

Ork Turn 2

The bikes on the left, unable to climb the mines, drove a little closer to the scouts while the other mob stayed still, leaving the shoota boyz to advance a little further. The bikes opened up with their dakkaguns, downing two scouts and all three of the inquisitor's henchmen, who refused to flee.

Imperial Turn 2

The inqusitor moved further along the barricades, towards the beleagured scouts who opened fire to take down a second biker, forcing the nob to bash one of the boyz round the head to maintain discipline. The stormtroopers were now in range and managed to kill two bikers from the other mob. The whirlwind had found its range accurately this time, wiping out a full half of the shoota boyz

Ork Turn 3

The bikes by the mine circled around it somewhat, preparing to take on the whirlwind next turn, while the other mob advanced on the stormtroopers, ready to exact revenge. The shoota boyz appeared to be disorientated from the shirlwind as they barely moved forwards at all this time. The scouts without the barrage of fire without casualty, but the same luck did not hold for the stormtroopers who lost four men before being charged by the bikers. When the dust settled a further six stormtroopers lay dead while the orks had taken no damage, yet the combat continued, as the remaining squad of five stood their ground bravely.

Imperial Turn 3

The Inquisitor advanced towards the bikes near him and fired, downing two bikes and leaving the nob on his own, who withstood the snipers' rifles without harm. The whirlwind yet again scored a direct hit, leaving just three shoota boyz remaining this time. The stormtroopers failed to inflict any casaulties on the bikes in combat and this time sensibly fled from the battle.

Ork Turn 4

The bikes in the ruins sped towards the scouts holed up in the mine, unfortunately one of them drove into a chunk of masonry and killed himself. The lone nob biker moved towards the whirlwind, determined to take it out before it could cause more damage. The shoota boyz moved towards the inquisitor and fired, the rokkit corkscrewing through the air and going nowhere near its target, but the two shootas managing to kill him. The biker nob charged the rhino, causing it to explode and inflicting an injury on himself in the process.

Imperial Turn 4

The scouts fired at the wounded nob, but were again unable to harm him.

Ork Turn 5

All the surviving orks converged on the remaining scouts and gunned them down.

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